On April 19, 2021 makectbetter launched the ILOVECT Campaign. Its very common to travel around the US and find a bumper sticker ILOVENY, ILOVENJ, ILOVEFL, ILOVERI. I could not find any store in Connecticut that sold an ILOVECT sticker. In fact, I have never heard anyone ever saying I love Connecticut. So I made ILOVECT stickers and started passing them out all over Connecticut. The Post has over 22,000 views.
MAKECTBETTER, visits all 139 State Parks
My mother passed away October 30, 2017 and in her honor I wanted to do something in her honor. On Instagram I offered a Trek Bicycle for the most inspiring story about a mom. We received over 300 inspiring stories. Over 12,000 views
Vaccinator Christian Ward LPN (THE TREK BIKE WINNER) has been with the Community Health Center Inc since January of 2020 working primarily on Covid-19 testing and vaccine administering. She has worked at various sites for CHC across CT and most recently as one of our nurse leads. Christian has been an LPN for 14 years and has served thousands of patients across various agencies. Her passion for care and work ethic has earned her the #1 vaccinator across the agency for delivery of the Covid-19 vaccine to patients! Christian loves her work and comes in daily with a positive, energetic attitude that resonates throughout the agency. Christian is married and lives in Meriden, CT with her husband and children. We are extremely proud to announce that Christian Ward was been selected by her peers as the recipient of a beautiful, new bike from MAKECTBETTER!
MAKECTBETTER, participates in Groton's 4th of July celebration.
MAKECTBETTER, rocks the Groton 4th of July parade passing out 3000 boo stickers
MAKECTBETTER, will be traveling across Connecticut visiting VFW posts and our solders.
MAKECTBETTER, Partners with Susan G. Komen Over 4800 views.